OPEN AT NEW LOCATION 1710 Rt. 35 Oakhurst NJ 07755

Hydroponic Supplies

Hydroponic Supplies

Hydroponics Equipment

Bring hydration straight to the source! Circulate and deliver water to your plant roots by installing a hydroponic supply system. The best part is that you can create it yourself. We offer all the components to create your own system with hydroponic equipment right here! If you need assistance, we will help you DIY your own kit start to finish too! Don’t worry about following the wrong steps or purchasing unnecessary items, because we have the right hydroponic equipment. We’re here to set up, install and maintain your home grow. Creating a high-performance system with hydroponic gardening supplies is one of the best things you can do for your grow room! Always consider Shore Grow as the number one hydroponic online store for all your needs.

  • Hydrologic Float Valve 1/4”

    Hydrologic Float Valve 1/4”


    This float valve features a 1/4 in quick connect fitting and adjustable water level. It can be mounted vertically or horizontally. With stainless steel and PVC components. The float valve allows you to fill a reservoir or tank, unattended, to your...
  • Active Aqua 1/2" Black Tubing 50'

    Active Aqua 1/2" Black Tubing 50'

    Active Aqua

    Use our sturdy black vinyl tubing, which is FDA-approved and BPA-free, for your irrigation systems and tanks, and to complete your own hydroponic systems. The material is easy to cut to size, but will remain strong and reliable. Comes in a...
  • Tropf Blumat Sensor (5")

    Tropf Blumat Sensor (5")


            The Tropf Blumat self-watering system functions automatically. As the soil dries, a vacuum and hydro-static pressure, coupled with a spring-loaded gating mechanism, pulls water from the main line. When the soil is sufficiently...
  • Flora Flex Tubing 1/4” OD 100' Roll

    Flora Flex Tubing 1/4” OD 100' Roll


    The FloraFlex® Tubing is a flexible premium vinyl, food grade hose. At 1/4” OD, our Tubing fits perfectly with ALL FloraFlex® tools. Color coordinate and automate! #AllGreenEverything
  • EcoPlus Large Round Air Stone

    EcoPlus Large Round Air Stone


    These great quality Air Stones aerate and add oxygen to the water in your reservoir or grow system. Circulates nutrients into the water and helps to maintain an even water temperature. Use with 3/16 in ID air line
  • Eco Plus 4 inch air disc Eco Plus 4 inch air disc

    Eco Plus 4 inch air disc


    EcoPlus® Hydrovescent Air Disc® air diffusers are great for aerating or circulating nutrients in your tanks or reservoirs. These air diffusers incorporate suction cup feet to keep your Hydrovescent Air Disc® secured without fear of it moving...
  • Float Valve, 1/2" Barb

    Float Valve, 1/2" Barb

    This float valve comes with a 1/2 in barbed fitting. Adjustable water level and can be mounted horizontally or vertically. Allows you to fill any tank or reservoir unattended—never flood your garden again! All plastic and stainless steel materials...
  • Eco Plus Small Round Air Stone

    Eco Plus Small Round Air Stone


    These great quality Air Stones aerate and add oxygen to the water in your reservoir or grow system. Circulates nutrients into the water and helps to maintain an even water temperature. Use with 3/16 inch ID air line product #708215.
  • Flora Flex Barbed Insert

    Flora Flex Barbed Insert

    The FloraFlexTM Barbed Insert instantly transforms your Round Flood and Drip Shield from a top-feeding system into an Automated Hand Feed + Top-Feeding Drip System. Simply pop a Barbed Insert into any of the drip shields 18 louver air vents and connect...