OPEN AT NEW LOCATION 1710 Rt. 35 Oakhurst NJ 07755

Advanced Nutrients

Advanced Nutrients

Advanced Nutrients Products for Soil and Hydroponics

We at Shore Grow proudly distribute Advanced Nutrients products to aspiring cannabis plant growers who want the best additives for their gardens. Advanced Nutrients’ selection comes backed by over two decades of research, optimizing all phases of plant development—from seed to senescence—to bring each cannabis crop to its potential. We offer Advanced Nutrients for soil to provide rich vegetation and ultra-productive flowering in phase-dependent ratios of secondary, macro, and micronutrients while maintaining healthy pH levels. Adding Advanced Nutrients for hydroponics helps your plants achieve intensified flavors and increased aroma while creating rich, abundant crops. Explore our Advanced Nutrients products today for more. 

  • Rhino Skin 250 ml

    Rhino Skin 250 ml

    Advanced Nutrients Products

    Safeguard Your Hydroponics Investment By Putting A Coat Of Armor On Your PlantsRight Now! That element is silica, which is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust (oxygen is the most prevalent), but guess what? Silica is missing...
  • Overdrive 250 ml

    Overdrive 250 ml

    Advanced Nutrients Products

    It’s Never Too Late To Get Bigger Harvests Let’s face it – general hydroponics gardening can cost you a lot of money, time and effort. You spend weeks taking care of your garden, you spend lots of dollars on it, all the while hoping...
  • VooDoo Juice 250 ml

    VooDoo Juice 250 ml

    Advanced Nutrients Products

    See How Taking Care Of Your Plants' Roots Wins You Optimum Harvests! Your plants’ roots are like buried treasure when you discover how easy it is to maximize their function and to achieve optimum harvests. You take care of your roots by utilizing...
  • Bud Ignitor 250 ml

    Bud Ignitor 250 ml

    Advanced Nutrients Products

    Getting Used To Maximum HarvestsIs A Pleasure For You The latest news in your world of hydroponics is now you can enhance growth while at the same time promote flowering. In the past, you’ve triggered your plants’ genetic clock by...