OPEN AT NEW LOCATION 1710 Rt. 35 Oakhurst NJ 07755




  •  Big Bloom Liquid Concentrate, 1 qt

    Big Bloom Liquid Concentrate, 1 qt


    Big Bloom® is a Natural & Organic Blossom Builder. Our special, microbrewed formula incorporates earthworm castings, bat guano and other high test organic ingredients that offer a full range...
  • Beastie Bloomz 6 oz

    Beastie Bloomz 6 oz


    Beastie Bloomz® Heavyweight Blossom Builder is a pH balanced blend of extra strength nutrients specially formulated to produce heavy weight fruit, and maximize blossom development during the...
  • Bembe 1 pt.

    Bembe 1 pt.


    From the deepest jungles of the African Congo comes the word “Bembé” which means Sweet Offering. This is a delicious treat for your plants that is extraordinarily fragrant and...
  • Bembe 1gal

    Bembe 1gal


    From the deepest jungles of the African Congo comes the word “Bembé” which means Sweet Offering.  This is a delicious treat for your plants that is extraordinarily...
  • Bush Doctor Microbe Brew 1 pt

    Bush Doctor Microbe Brew 1 pt


    Bush Doctor Microbe Brew is a liquid microbial inoculant with a complex blend of ingredients specially formulated to help plants achieve enhanced root efficiency and nutrient uptake.Microbe Brew...
  • Bushdoctor Kangaroots  1Pt

    Bushdoctor Kangaroots 1Pt


    Bush Doctor Kangaroots is a liquid root drench formulation designed to enhance root efficiency in the rhizosphere for seedlings and mature plants. For use on in-ground plantings, container...
  • BushDoctor Sledge Hammer 1 qt

    BushDoctor Sledge Hammer 1 qt


    Bush Doctor SledgeHammer encourages water movement through soil and soilless media. High fertilizer use can compromise plant growth over time due to concentrated mineral salt deposits...
  • Bushdoctor Sledgehammer 1 pint

    Bushdoctor Sledgehammer 1 pint


    Bush Doctor SledgeHammer® is a unique rinse formula designed to remove fertilizer buildup and encourage water movement through soil and soilless mediums. Sledgehammer® helps release surface...
  • Cha Ching 6oz

    Cha Ching 6oz


    Late Flowering Formula: FoxFarm engineered Cha Ching® to maximize a plant's production. Every stage of the growing cycle demands optimal nutrition. Cha Ching® is a high-phosphorus fertilizer...
  • Cultivation Nation 70/30 2 cu ft

    Cultivation Nation 70/30 2 cu ft


    Cultivation Nation® Seventy Thirty Growing Media is a mixture of buffered coconut coir and perlite, blended in the classic ratio of 70:30.  Coconut coir is known for its water holding...
  • Cultivation Nation Bloom 1pt

    Cultivation Nation Bloom 1pt


    Cultivation Nation GROW, MICRO and BLOOM are cost effective fertilizers that are designed to for use in soil, soilless media, and hydroponic or aeroponic systems from seedlings to harvest. Start...