OPEN AT NEW LOCATION 1710 Rt. 35 Oakhurst NJ 07755



Grow Room Ventilation Supplies and Hydroponic Ventilation 

Air quality is one of the most important factors that impact the success of growing cannabis hydroponically. The last thing a grower wants is plants that die from root rot, overwatering, and parasites contaminating their plants. At Shore Grow, we carry grow room ventilation supplies and hydroponic ventilation equipment to ensure proper air quality and promote healthy cultivation. Hydroponic growers can find the perfect hydroponic ventilation system supplies, including AC Infinity carbon filters, Cloudray Oscillating fans, window duct kits, Cloudforge plant humidifiers, Infinity Pre-Filter systems, and more. If you have any questions about our grow room ventilation supplies, contact our Shore Grow team today.

  • AC Infinity S10 AC Infinity S10

    AC Infinity S10


    Designed to ventilate hydroponic grow rooms, transfer heating/cooling, circulate air, cool AV closets, exhaust odors. Features an 8-speed manual controller utilizing PWM. See T-Series for temperature and humidity controls. Mixed flow design combined...